how do you know if your cbd is safe?
With new health-benefits being discovered daily, it's no surprise that a CBD movement has been booming. Unfortunately, that movement breeds unsafe and subpar hemp products. Why? Many companies cut corners.
Crafting a pure hemp product requires careful attention and lots of care. The lack of proper care to the hemp plant throughout all its stages results in inconsistent products that vary in potency and levels of impurities. These inconsistencies leave you with the job of assessing if a product’s label actually matches what’s in the bottle — a difficult task when 70% of CBD products on the market today are inaccurately labeled.
rigorous testing reveals contaminants

One nationally-recognized nonprofit recently identified the need for true transparency within CBD product labeling. This organization is The Clean Label Project™ (CLP), which specializes in rigorous lab testing of packaged goods. CLP conducted purity testing on 242 CBD products. They tested those products for impurities and contaminants including lead, plastic and potency levels. The results are astounding.
the 4 key discoveries
1. Lead Counts Are High
The top 10 brands tested averaged 34 parts per billion of lead.
That's nearly 6 times the FDA's "safe limit" of 5 parts per billion in drinking water.
2. Phthalates Are Present
The top 10 brands tested averaged 1,091 parts per billion of phthalates.
Otherwise known as plasticizers, phthalates are a group of chemicals used in products to make them bend and flex. At 1,091 ppb found in CBD products, that is 3 times the average amount found in consumer products. To offer some perspective, phthalates have been linked to being endocrine disruptors, even in small amounts. It should also be noted that the use of phthalates has been banned in the entire European Union since 2005 for this reason. Nine other countries, including Japan, Mexico and Argentina, have also outlawed the chemicals.
3. THC Levels Are On The Rise
The 2018 Farm Bill asserts THC levels cannot exceed 0.3%. Yet, 100% of the products making THC-free claims contained some amounts of THC. This type of misleading labeling can and has resulted in failed drug tests, lost jobs, and lawsuits.
4. CBD Levels Are Terribly Inconsistent
Of the 242 products tested, more than 75% were off level by at least 10% of the CBD value they listed on the label. One product contained an extra 700% of CBD and 10 products contained no CBD at all.
the pachamama difference - Purity Awarded
With the high-rise in questionable CBD reaching the shelves of local boutiques and grocery stores, we knew it's not enough to just claim that we’re pure. We’ve decided to prove it.
Our mission is to bring the restoring balance and nurturing power of mother nature to all and that’s why we believe in providing clean CBD products. So, what does clean and pure mean to us? It means single-origin hemp, solventless extraction and trackable, third-party lab testing.
We heard about all of the work the Clean Label Project is doing for consumer safety and asked them to put our products through the same rigorous testing. We are now one of three CBD brands who have been awarded the Clean Label Project's Purity Award and “Clean Label” Certification.
Beyond our purity award, we use the same strain and family of plants per batch to create our full spectrum hemp products. Our hemp is extracted in a USDA certified organic lab using a solventless extraction method – leaving no chance for chemical exposure to our products at any point. To take it one step further, all of our products are third-party, triple-tested, and our certificate of analysis (COA) is always available on our website. You can find any that you’re looking for right here.
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