cbd oil for dogs: everything you need to know
Did you know CBD oil can offer the same therapeutic effects to you as it does for your dog? In fact, our furry companions may be even more receptive to CBD than we are. Within the body of humans and dogs alike lies a built-in regulatory system known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS). It has one main job: to promote homeostasis or a 'whole-body balance'.
Through communication with every other system in the body, the endocannabinoid system has a role in nearly all of the body's essential functions. You can think of CBD as the fuel that both our and our pets endocannabinoid system needs to carry out these balancing functions.

the top 3 reasons to consider cbd for your dog
From outdoor adventures to the naps that follow, here are the top three ways CBD takes a gentle approach to promoting the overall health and wellness of your pet.
Help them relax and rest
CBD has been shown to help pets and humans alike wind down and relax because it has an indirect communication with the nervous system. For this reason, it may be helpful in calming an uneasy pet whether they're just learning to adapt to staying home alone, or they're feeling a little timid during a loud thunderstorm.
Soothe their tired joints and muscles
If your pup is losing their pep after an outdoor adventure, you may want to consider using CBD to support their joints and muscles. Especially important for our older pets, managing any pains or inflammation related to exercise is a proactive way to ensure we're assisting their body's natural ability to recover from a long day of play.
Support whole-body balance
Through CBD's intrinsic interaction with your pets endocannabinoid system, it promotes a state of balance throughout the body by mediating the interplay of their physiological and biological processes.
how to administer cbd to your pet

Giving CBD to your pet is easy. We’ve found that most like the taste of flagship tincture, The Natural, and will let you place a couple drops directly on their tongues. However, if your pet isn’t quite fond of the taste, feel free to add a couple of drops on or in their favorite treat. To determine the right serving size for your pet, we recommend starting low and going slow. Serving sizes vary depending on the weight and condition of your pet. In many cases, your pet will tell you if it’s time for more. However, a good rule of thumb will be to give them some CBD in the morning and at night until you begin to discover how their body responds to CBD at different dosages. For our serving size recommendations, please see the chart located below.
our recommended serving size chart for dogs

To determine the right serving size for your pet, we recommend starting low and going slow. Serving sizes vary depending on the weight and condition of your pet. In many cases, your pet will tell you if it’s time for more. However, a good rule of thumb will be to give them some CBD in the morning and at night until you begin to discover how their body responds to CBD at different dosages
For more information, see our CBD for pets page here.
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