3 personal trainers explain how cbd has transformed their post-workout pain
By now, you’re probably well aware of CBD’s ability to help you soothe sore muscles. CBD’s ability to help maintain overall joint and muscle health and calming properties make it a go-to recovery tool for novice runners and high-performance athletes alike.
Despite growing evidence that CBD is a truly transformative addition to your workout routine, stigmas around cannabis still exist. The stereotype of the lazy marijuana smoker has been hard to shake. Many people still believe that consuming CBD or other cannabis products will prevent them from achieving their fitness goals.
But that’s not what the athletes and personal trainers that we spoke to think.

High-quality CBD is absolutely the most important tool to battle your way through modern life as an athlete,” explains Zach Scioli — personal trainer and founder of Revolutionary Health in San Francisco. “I don’t know what I would do without CBD. I recommend it to all my clients.”
From helping you be well-rested, to dealing with day-to-day occasional stress, CBD holds many benefits for all athletes, says Scioli.
“Its cortisol regulating, anti-oxidative and calming properties drastically improve sleep, speed workout recovery, and keep stress levels at bay. It’s literally nature’s perfect performance supplement.”
One of the hardest things about committing to a fitness regime is motivating yourself to go do another grueling workout when your muscles are already tired and sore. For that, Ontario-based trainer and competitive bodybuilder Paul Roney suggests using a CBD-infused balm to help sore muscles feel better in order to get back to work sooner.
“When I’m done training, I have a little bit of CBD, because if I do have sore muscles, or aches and pains, it does actually help. I have a CBD cream that I rub on my muscles when I’ve pulled something, and it works just like A535. It’s going to work on helping my muscles recover faster so I can get back to the gym quicker.”
(Another pro tip form Roney: consuming a product with a little more THC can boost your appetite and make even the most unappealing foods in your training diet seem like 5-star meals).
While CBD is certainly effective at reducing exercise-induced pain and occasional stress, Meghan Takacs — a marathoner and trainer at NYC’s Performix House — says there is something even better about CBD: The fact that CBD is a natural, plant-derived product. That’s what draws her to it.

"My favorite [CBD brands make] an all-natural remedy — a plant extract. I don't like putting a ton of additives in my body. So CBD is one form of rehabilitation that I am confident in and feel comfortable using knowing that it won't affect my performance as a runner.”
Takacs says she likes to start her day with a little bit of CBD oil, and uses a CBD topical before bed to help herself relax.
“I love [CBD] lotion because, with that, I am able to pinpoint sore muscles and apply it to the areas I need before bed. I also use [CBD] oil in the morning. It's super easy. You put a dose of it under your tongue, let it sit for 60-seconds, and then swallow.”
Of course, there are reasons other than stigmas that make athletes apprehensive about using CBD. Many of the biggest sporting associations in the U.S. continue to uphold strict bans on all cannabis products, CBD included. Athletes who get caught using CBD or other cannabis products risk suspensions, fines and disqualification.
There is some indication that pro-sport’s relationship with cannabis is changing, though. According to The Washington Post, The NFL has committed to studying how football players could use medical marijuana instead of dangerous and addictive opioids for pain management. On top of that, in late 2020 the NBA announced they would stop testing its players for marijuana.
From NBA spokesperson Mike Bass:
"Due to the unusual circumstances in conjunction with the pandemic, we have agreed with the NBPA to suspend random testing for marijuana for the 2020-21 season and focus our random testing program on performance-enhancing products and drugs of abuse"
The biggest change in the relationship between high-level athletics and cannabis came in 2018, however. That was when the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) officially removed CBD from their list of banned substances. The move means that Olympic athletes can now use CBD while in competition, as long as doing so doesn’t violate the laws of the host country.
So whether you have Olympic aspirations, or you just like to stay in shape, CBD is a great way to tackle those post-workout pains.
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